Representative Agreement Act Bc

If you wish, you can name a monitor in your representation agreement. When you do this, your controller must monitor the activities of your representatives and ensure that they comply with the terms of your representation agreement. 7 (1) In a representation agreement entered into under this section, an adult may authorize the adult`s representative to assist the adult in making decisions or decisions on behalf of the adult on all or part of the following: (a) authorize the supervisor to be remunerated from the adult`s property to act as a supervisor with respect to the power granted to a representative under clause 7(1) a); (b) or (d) and 36 Adult who is able to do everything he has authorized a representative to do. (c) a credit union or trust company, provided that the jurisdiction of the credit union or trust under the agency agreement does not include health care or personal care. (2) A representation agreement may be amended in accordance with subsection (1) (b), the adult has transferred the power of attorney in accordance with section 7 (1) (b) to 2 or more representatives and they are required to act unanimously in the exercise of all powers granted under this section. Your representative must also keep careful records of the activities carried out on your behalf and share the records with you, your supervisor and/or the public guardian and the syndic upon request. If your representative in your representation agreement has the authority to manage your financial affairs, they will normally have to keep your assets separate from their own. (b) in the event of a change, an amendment to the agreement will be made in accordance with the procedures for the execution of a representation agreement, a controller is not required if the spouse is representative or if there are 2 or more representatives (who must act unanimously), or if the public guardian and trustee, a credit union or trust company will be appointed as representatives. You may modify or terminate (revoke) your representation contract at any time if you are able to do so.

You should review your representation agreement at least once a year to ensure that it always meets your wishes and that it makes any decisions that may need to be made on your behalf, and that the appointed representatives continue to be willing and able to act as your representative if necessary. 22 A representative or supervisor may disclose information or records obtained in the exercise of his or her powers only to the extent necessary (4) To be designated as a supervisor in a representation agreement, a person must be at least 19 years of age and be willing and able to perform the duties and powers of a supervisor. It is very important that you carefully consider who you want to elect as your representative. Think about what you want your representative to do for you and who can best do those things. Choose someone you trust who understands the values and beliefs that guide your decision-making. If the person takes care of the financial matters for you, choose someone who is good with the money. (a) terminated only because the adult is subsequently unable to enter into a representation agreement conferring that power on a representative. Where, as a result of their supervision, the supervisor has reason to believe that the representative is acting inappropriately, the supervisor may ask the supervisor to provide documentation justifying his or her actions and to report regularly to supervisory staff. 19.01 A representative may not make or amend a will for the adult for whom he or she is acting, and any will or amendment made by his or her representative for an adult shall have no force or effect. There is no legally required format for a representation agreement.

However, there are specific legal requirements regarding the signing and testimony of representation agreements, as well as regarding the required certificates that must be signed by your representatives, witnesses and others. If your agency contract is not properly signed and attested and the required certificates are completed (in the case of a representation agreement under section 9), it may not be valid. 17 An adult`s representative may use the services of a qualified person who assists the adult in anything that the adult has authorized his or her representative to do. A representative may not be authorized under this section: (2) If the agency contract provides that it or any provision thereof takes effect when an event occurs, the agreement specifies how and by whom the event is to be confirmed. (i) the adult who has or wishes to have a representative, and if your agreement authorizes your agent to handle day-to-day financial matters for you (e.g., B, pay your bills or deposit your retirement income), you are required by law to appoint a supervisor if the representative you choose is not your spouse or credit union; Trust company or guardian and public trustee. However, if you elect two or more representatives who must make unanimous decisions in these financial matters, or if you have consulted a lawyer or other prescribed person about your agreement, you are not required to order a supervisor. (b) the establishment and operation of a register of representation arrangements in the office of the public guardian and trustee and the appointment of the administrator of the register; 14(1) Subject to subsection (3), a contract of representation has effect only if it is registered by the registrar in accordance with the relevant requirements. (4) A written power of attorney submitted for registration in accordance with this section is deemed to be an agency contract within the meaning of this Act at the time of registration. 26 (1) A person designated in an agency contract as a representative, assistant representative or controller is not entitled to remuneration for the activity as a representative or supervisor, unless your current wishes cannot be determined or it is not reasonable to comply with them, your representative is required to follow the instructions or wishes expressed by you, as long as you could.

If your instructions or expressed wishes are not known, your representative is obliged to act on the basis of your known beliefs and values or in your best interest if your beliefs and values are not known. Section 7 of the Act allows you to enter into a basic representation agreement that covers your daily daily needs. In a section 7 agreement, you may authorize your agent(s) to assist you in making decisions or decisions on your behalf on some or all of the following: (b) if there is no controller, any person other than the court or registrar of corporations, who is affected by the representation agreement and the event resulting in the repeal of the provision, White. 11. Where a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest arises between an adult and his or her representative, the representative has 15 (1) An agency contract comes into force on the date it is entered into, unless the contract provides that it or any provision thereof takes effect at a later date 21 (1) At the request of a representative or other interested person, The public guardian and the syndic may appoint a supervisor to replace a supervisor appointed in a power of attorney agreement or designated under this section or section 30 (3) (g.1) if the participants have stated that their agreement is important to them because it has helped to clarify and support their decision-making process. 44.2 If a representation agreement was entered into before the repeal of paragraph 9(1)(f) of the Representation Agreement Act by the Adult Guardianship Amendment Act and Planning Acts, 2007, 2007, 1. September 2011, authorized a representative to enter into financial support agreements on behalf of an adult as described in this paragraph, the representative may continue to exercise this power as described in the representation agreement. (e) the representative acts within the Authority and in accordance with the instructions set out in the agreement. 6. A supervisor may resign by notifying the adult, each representative and, where applicable, any assistant representative in writing.

(2) If an agency contract or a provision thereof is not effective or ineffective, any exercise of the power of attorney conferred on a representative by the contract in favour of a person who did not know the agency and had no reason to believe that the contract or provision was not effective or invalid. (d) establishing the procedure for registering an agency contract, power of attorney or other document and notifying the clerk when a document registered under this Act is amended or revoked or if a provision is repealed; Under the BC Representation Agreement Act (the «Act»), there are generally two different types of representation agreements that you can enter into: an agreement with only «limited powers» — sometimes referred to as an agency contract under section 7 — and an agreement that includes «general powers» — sometimes referred to as an agency contract under section 9. In general, the types of decisions you can authorize your agent to make in a section 7 agreement are important, but generally not as intrusive or potentially controversial as those that can be included in a section 9 agreement. .


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